Accelerate Sport
58 Surrey Street, Harfield Village
Cape Town, South Africa
+27 21 671 7573

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City Surf Series is entirely committed to community upliftment, and has pioneered various projects that are having a widespread positive impact on our surrounding areas together with its valued partners.
Educational seminars

Educational seminars are about teaching the children about the importance of recycling and keeping our beaches and communities clean. The program supplies guidelines and educational materials to the children, event organisers, spectators and vendors, consulting in best practice when it comes to creating plastic-free events.

Community beach cleanup

This program focuses on creating a sustainable surfing series whereby all CSS events will have a dedicated recycling zone, water stations, environmentally friendly vendors as well as a fun, educational activation area; which highlights the global drive of reusing, renewing and recycling as much as possible.

Learn to Surf programs

This program hosts over 50 children from local PDI areas, with the help of coaches and caretakers that assist in educating and encouraging youth on how to surf. Not only are the children educated about plastic waste, but also about ocean safety by the NSRI, whom provides a fun and interesting lesson. They also receive participation medals at prize-giving and t- shirts as memorabilia.

Volunteer Registration

Volunteers are essential to the smooth running of events.  Please complete the registration form to the right should you wish to assist in any manner.